It is late. I feel restless. Like I wish tomorrow would get here already.
For the past several hours I have been thinking about what I want to accomplish tomorrow.
I had a great talk with Todd this morning...about goals and positioning and the action compared to the desired result. I love action and I am terrified by action but it is the desire for the result that pushes me.
I need to not lose sight of what I want to experience and accomplish in all of the little details that move me there.
The latest thought that has been singing through my mind is the more people stop because they are afraid of success than those that stop because they are afraid to fail. Sometimes I know that I am my biggest hurdle to overcome. I need to get out of the way of myself so that I can grow and breathe and relax and live.
Life was beautiful today. I splurged on a large silver pot for my lower landscaping. I gave my self two hours to place the pot and then go "shopping" in the rest of my garden for plants to place around it. It looks so beautiful and structural in the flowerbed and best of all, it looks "done". It is nice not to have another project in transition. I planted two snowball shrubs behind to create a backdrop of green, then clumped some white flox on either side and found some broad leafed elephant ear that I divided and grouped around the base of the pot. I can hardly wait for the snowballs to shoot out and grow together.
I have discovered that I have a garden rituals that I perform multiple times daily. Morning, noon, evening or anytime I get up from my laptop and the kitchen table for a much needed break I find myself making the rounds of the yard. I have nine Japanese maples now, three are still tiny babies, but every time I go outside I find myself standing in front of my trees, examining the buds for signs of growth. Is the bud fatter? growing longer? Is that the tip of a curled leaf breaking free? I am so impatient for them to bud out! I remember last season being shocked to realize that when they do start to bud, they can shoot out four to six inches a day! Yes, I did measure. Im a little obsessed with my maples. :)
Tomorrow is March 1st. I feel the change. In the weather..warmer and lighter... but mostly in me. I am going to work smarter this month, accomplish more, live and love more and enjoy my wonderful life more.