I did not sculpt today. No..today was a Yard Day. And what a day...I can hardly hold my head up. The back of my neck aches soooo bad.
Todd and I tried to finish laying a gravel path on the side of the house, connecting the driveway to the back yard. We don't have the gravel down but the edging is in.. the area is level..I can totally imagine the space with the completed path. Beautiful. : ) I also defined the edge between my side yard and the neighbors. Something I have been hesitant to do ever since we moved in. I think I was afraid that she would come rushing out and demand an explanation for all of the lawn I was cutting up and claim that I was on her side......ha ha. : ) Not true as her lawn did make a wide swoop into my side but I still worked exceptionally fast....just in case. Once you have a flowerbed cut in it is hard to remember what the border line used to be. The new defined straight line (complete with grass barrier) between our yards looks so awesome and I'm sure improves the value of her yard as well as mine! Mission accomplished.
I had fun trying to capture some pictures of Mia and Jessie playing this morning. Jessie hides behind the shower curtain and peeks and swipes around the edge or will punch out really fast from the middle and Mia will push back or try to look around the edge without being hit. Very Exciting stuff. : ) Don't know if any pictures turned out but it was fun to watch them. I could tell that Jasper wanted to play as well but was just a little too dignified to allow himself to. Several times he raced over to them as if he just couldn't contain himself...then stopped, drew back and would watch from a safe spot with aloof disdain. I took a picture of him sitting on my new children's church pew.
Poor Jasper. He is such a big baby and was the hardest hit when we got Mia. To add insult to injury, Mia totally dominates him. She tries to dominate Jessie too but those fast little claws keep her at bay. Jasper unfortunately is clawless and I have to keep a sharp eye on Mia that she doesn't hurt him. I think she only wants to play but she is much to rough and that bully instinct of hers worries me. Many times I have caught her straddling him on the bed...
I heard from a couple that bred and raised Boston Terriers and Frenchies that you have to be exceptionally careful around cats and other small animals. The Frenchie is not vicious but they LOVE to play. Their favorite toys are anything fuzzy that squeeks....hhmmmm...that could be kind of cat-like. Because their mouths are so wide, they can easily smoother a cat or other small animal. This exact thing happened to this couple and they lost one of their cats. Despite being warned themselves of the danger. : ( So I must consider myself twice warned.....
So far, excessive "no"s and "separation from the family" -being locked outside by herself -have not seemed to deter Mia from tormenting Jasper. My next action will be to get a squirt gun and maybe a loud horn..... I hope that does the trick.
Now I think I will watch a movie with Todd. Maybe make a Mango smoothie.
I wonder what it would taste like if I added some white wine to the mix? : )
I want a white wine smoothie!! :)
ReplyDeletePS I love that last pic where Jessie is peeking out from the curtain.