Monday, April 6, 2009

Week One - April 5th, 2009

Spring has arrived in Seattle! I didn't realize how depressed and down I was feeling until we actually had two days in a row of sunshine and temperatures hitting 70! I don't think I could ever live anywhere but here....though last week when it was snowing and in the 30's I'll admit that I thought about Wyoming much too frequently. : )
Despite the snow and cold of earlier in the week, I was able to rally myself and really accomplish a lot. I met with the foundry on Friday and the bronzing and patina cost is going to be Half of what I was expecting. Great my art can be beautiful and affordable to more people! I still don't have an estimate for the molding costs but with such a great bronzing price, I am not worried. Though, with that price comes more involvement on my part. At the very least with the wax editing. I have never bronzed a sculpture before so I am still trying to determine what that will mean......

I also accomplished my goals for Week One on my second piece. I completed the wire armature, completed and posted my measurements as well as my timeline. I will post a picture of my wire armature tonight. I plan on extensively documenting the process, stages and steps on this next sculpture. It will hopefully inspire me to see the progress and with a weekly deadline of Sunday night, I will have an incentive to sculpt faster and with greater confidence. : )

Mia posed for me in the sunlight yesterday and I got some beautiful pictures. This inspired another idea within me.......though I still need to wrestle with it for a now it is off to the coffee house to write down some thoughts and savor that latte!

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