Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I have to post this picture of my "child" because it is just SO cute. Mia in her favorite spot on the daybed watching me work at the computer.

I think she must sleep all day long while I am away at work. Last night she woke up at 1:30am and I could not get her to go back to sleep. I even locked her in her kennel for an hour with a chew toy and listened to an hour of whining. It was not a good night for me....

Todd and I get up every morning around five and take her for a walk. Unfortunately. Mia has started regularly waking up at 4am. She will wiggle around for a half hour, semi-quietly, then try to get us up in earnest from about 4:30 onward.. While I can justify getting up at 5am.....

I just can not figure out how to get my dog to sleep through the night.

1 comment:

  1. when you figure it out, could you pass along the info? my children are rising at the same time. :)
