It drizzled all day long today. Constant..steady..gloomy.. and cold.
I was really looking forward to mowing the lawn. The first cut of Spring. I have always loved the smell of fresh cut grass. It takes me back to when I was eleven and mowing the lawn was my weekly responsibility. I loved the smell, the lush green and the instant gratification of shaggy disorder to perfect. Hmmmm. : )
I made some yummy omelets for breakfast while Todd handled some super strong lattes. Halfway through the cheesy goodness, the vet called to let us know that Mia had tested positive for worms. Lovely.... So, off to the North Seattle to pick up medication and contemplate all possible instances of undesired sharing that might have occurred....
The rest of the morning was spent washing bedding, floors, Mia. We now have a renewed interest in crate training as a great option for nightly sleeping arrangements...
I finally got to some sculpting this afternoon. I had been thinking for the last few days that the belly need to be a little lower and a little fuller. But I hated the thought I trying to move that lower hand. I finally just went for it and was able to cut underneath it and pull it down with minimal damage to the arm and finger detail. I added quite abit to the lower belly...just making it feel a little weightier. I like it. I now have rework the lower arm and the hand but I think I can do that tomorrow morning. She is almost there. I need to stop making changes. I don't want to over process her and have her lose the energy and sense of raw medium.
Tomorrow. I want to write down my goals for my new prenatal sculpture. I would like to start that on Wednesday, April 1st.
So by next weekend my check list is to have:
1. List of Goals for my new piece - what do I want it to say?
2. Timeline of actual calendar dates - What level do I want to achieve each week?
3. Measurement List - All measurements drawn out and ready to post
4. New Armature - Already completed 3 weeks ago
5. Portfolio of Photos
It is very important that I stick to a set schedule with this next piece. I mentally believe that I can complete a sculpture in 8 weeks. Now I just have to prove it to myself.
Nice . . . I like the "more full" aspect . . . very true. The best I can explain the experience is that of an overly full water balloon—heavy, taut, but moldable in a living sense . . . if that makes any sense at all . . . :) Eager to see you start on the next one! (And SO jealous that you are contemplating mowing the lawn!!! We have another blizzard on it's way this week. Cursed place.